Wednesday, September 28, 2016

What Do You Seek When You Follow Jesus?

There's no telling how many times I've read the Gospel of John. This morning, though, I noticed something I'd never seen before. After the introduction, John begins with John the Baptizer and the baptism of Jesus. 

The first words of Jesus aren't recorded until John 1:38. Two of John's disciples leave him and follow the One John has just pointed out as the Lamb of God. Jesus turns to them and speaks. 

"What do you seek?"

It's a simple question, but with such depth that we do well to stop and ponder it a bit.

I've sought a lot of things in my life, many of them completely worthless. My tendency is to seek a lot of Jesus and at least some of the things of this world. Jesus and a comfortable lifestyle. Jesus and whatever momentary desire I seek. 

Maybe you do that, too. It's pretty common.

Jesus is not much on sharing the spotlight of our lives, however. He calls us to a "leave everything behind" kind of discipleship. Focus totally on Him. Obey only Him. Leave family and friends and riches behind. Embrace Him.

It's radical. It's hard. It's often agonizing. In the moments when I focus only on Him, get my eyes off the things of this world, I find that seeking Him is worth it. Every single time. I'm easily distracted, though, and it requires a daily decision to keep my eyes riveted on the One who redeemed me with His blood sacrifice.

Today, Jesus' question is just as valid. 

Those of us who claim to follow would do well to consider our answer to His question. "What do you seek?" 

Why do we follow Jesus? 

Maybe we should ask a harder question... Why do we follow Him halfheartedly? Why not follow with our whole heart?

Now is the time to stop and refocus. Let's get our eyes completely on Him and follow the way He intended. Completely. Wholeheartedly. Without reservation.

In this world, it may seem radical to follow Jesus. In eternity, we'll see. It wasn't radical, at all. It was the best way to live.

"And Jesus turned, and beheld them following and said to them, 'What do you seek?'" John 1:38 nasb
In case you missed the story of Sam's project, here's the link: Sam's Project: Rubber Boots for Barefoot Rwandan Children
If you'd like to give to help buy boots for the barefoot school children of Rwandan, you can go directly to the project page here: Help Sam's Kids. There's still a LONG way to go. I'll have an update later this morning.
In case you missed yesterday's post, here's the link: Why I Didn't Watch the Presidential Debate and What I'm Going to Do About It
#Jesus #follow

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