Friday, September 16, 2016

The Kairos Moment

Wednesday night, Pastor Scooter talked about time. Because God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, He lives in a constant state of "now". There are two Greek words used for "now" in the New Testament. 

Chronos indicates a sequence of moments and is a linear expression of quantitative time. 

Kairos, on the other hand, is an expression of qualitative time. It indicates a moment of opportunity, the "right time". Blue Letter Bible defines it like this: "the time when things are brought to crisis, the decisive epoch waited for."

Kairos moments don't always look like we expect. I had a kairos moment when my marriage ended. It wasn't a time I wanted, but it was a crisis of opportunity that allowed me to let God heal and change me. I'm better for it.

A young friend of mine is going through a very rigorous course of training. It's a kairos moment for him. He's learning that he has the stamina to endure the most painful hardships in order to complete what God has called him to do. He's persevering, despite experiencing a significant injury at the beginning of his training. He's allowed God to use the kairos moment in ways that make my heart soar with joy.

The daughter of a friend is going through a heartbreaking experience. It's a kairos moment for her. Some days, all she can do is cry, but, on the other side of her pain, she'll be stronger and more like Jesus than she was at the start.

I have several friends going through the death of dearly loved family members. They, too, are experiencing kairos moments. On the other side of grief, they'll understand the hope of eternity and the comfort of God in a deeper way. 

How? Because all these people are praying that their pain and suffering not be wasted. They're praying they will learn all God has for them in the midst of their trial. That's a prayer that's sure to be answered in a way that leaves them stronger and more like Jesus.

Those kairos moments are easy to recognize, but what about the kind of kairos moment that's less noticeable? 

If God is in the now, and He is, He fills our days with kairos moments, opportunities to share Christ and His love, that we can easily miss. The problem with missing kairos moments is that they may never come again. 

I had a kairos moment this week. I saw a young man for whom I'd been praying, and had a moment to sit down and talk with him. I could have easily stepped away, but I stayed. I listened. I responded. When the time came, I shared Christ. It was one of those sweet and completely unlikely moments when I was able to talk about my faith in a very non-traditional way. I don't know how God will use it, but I'm sure He will.

Today, God will send a variety of kairos moments our way. Let's keep our eyes open and seize those opportunities when they come. We may not know how God uses them, but we can be sure He will.

..."Behold, now is the acceptable time, behold now is the day of salvation." 2 Peter 6:3 nasb
In case you missed it, here's the link to yesterday's post: The Escrow Account  
Here's the link to the prayer guide: The Prayer List
Here's the link to my Global Outreach page: Leanna Hollis MD

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